Richard L. Schumaker, Ph.D.
My wife, Ann and I wanted to come and check out property in the Naples area. My cousin, Ron Beaton, told me to get Perry to help us. Ron is our Financial Planner and has never been wrong (yet); so I called Perry and asked him if he would be interested in showing us some property. We were visiting the area for a short time and just wanted to check things out.
Perry wanted to ask a few questions while we were on the phone. His questions were brilliant and designed to help him (and us) to determine what we were interested in. That is; location, price range, what type of house or condo and so on. He listened so well. I suspected at this time that we just might have the best experience that we ever had with a realtor. And, I was spot-on correct. This guy is amazing. He put together a workbook of properties sorted by all the factors that we needed. I loved this because I’m a technology person and must have organization; Ann loved it because it had the best photos and room for her to take notes without limit. As Perry showed us the places, he called our attention to every item that we would have never thought to question. He looked out for our best interest and he took a lot of time (his preparation time) and effort to do this. Perry is a former builder and knows all about structure, foundation, what’s critical in the construction of a place and called our attention to these critical items that we would not have had a clue about.
We bought a place. Perry made it easy and straight forward for us to do what we really wanted to do. This is the best experience that I’ve ever had with the purchase of a property. Perry is, in my opinion, the only one who could have done this. Absolutely remarkable!